Sunday, April 20, 2014

Companion Becoming a Woman! Haha!


Dad, that is an awesome story.  It is definitely scary to think about how to approach someone and offer them something from the church, but that is something that just comes with practice, which I'm sure you know from your mission.  That is really great that you handed the Book of Mormon to that lady.  I can understand why the sisters weren't as excited when you told them that it was out of their area.  That usually seems to happen a lot.  We find a lot of people that are interested in learning, but they always end up being out of our boundaries.  But, I've never cared so much, because as long as someone teaches them, then I'm happy with that.  Now, you'll just have to follow up with her and ask her how her daughter like having her own copy next time you see her.  This last Wednesday I started reading in the Book of Mormon from the beginning and I am going to read the whole thing once through because I've done it before, but not since I've been out on my mission.  I've read large pieces of it here and there, but not front to back.  I am going to try and finish it in 25 days.  Right now I am at the end of 2 Nephi.  How are your studies going?  Are you getting a lot from them?
This week was a little slower for us, but we still had a lot of really great lessons.  Our ward is getting more involved in missionary work and things are slowly starting to click more.  The one thing that happened last week that I wanted to tell you has to do with working out.  After emails last week, Elder Lawless wanted to go to a nutrition shop by our house to see if they had any good protein shakes that he could get.  So, we went in and Elder Lawless talked to the guy working there and told him that he wanted a protein shake that would help him bulk up.  The guy asked him what he had been taking and Elder Lawless pointed to a bottle that they had on one of the bottom shelves and told him that it was "that one".  The worker started laughing and said, "You know that stuff is for women right?"  Apparently, the protein Elder Lawless was taking was soy based and it was meant to boost estrogen levels.  Haha!  So, all he has been doing for the past month is becoming a woman!  Hahaha! He was super upset when he found that out.  But after that, the guy showed him another good shake and he ended up buying that.  The whole thing was super funny!  I still tease him about his estrogen shake.  Well, I hope that everything goes well this week for you and thank you for the letters you send me!  I really appreciate those!  Love ya!

Elder A. Whaley

Loved General Conference


You asked about going to the Ft. Lauderdale open house.  No, we don't get to go because it is just barely outside the boundaries of our mission.  I did get to watch all of General Conference, and I loved it!  It seemed too short to me, though.  I wish it would last the entire week.  :)
This was another great week of work.  We didn't get as much done as we did last week, but it was still good.  We invited everyone we talked to and taught to watch General Conference, so hopefully they did.  One of our investigators, Don, came for the last session of General Conference, and he said that he thought it was very interesting.  He says that about everything.  But, I thought that all of the talks were great for him to hear, because they all focused on the basics and foundation of the Gospel and the things that we have taught him.  So, hopefully, it had a good influence on him.  I also like Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk and how he invited every member to get a copy of Preach My Gospel and to make it a part of their studies.  I'm excited for you all to take on the challenge that the sister missionaries gave you.  Having members with us as missionaries is so powerful and important in lessons and fellowshipping those we teach.  It's a great opportunity to be involved in the work.  I honestly don't know how that referral was made, because I didn't do it.  I guess it was just suppose to happen so that you all now have the opportunity and challenge to hand out the Book of Mormon and share the Gospel with someone.  I'll be praying for you all to find someone to share it with, so be attentive, and take the opportunity when it arises.  I will be waiting to hear what you guys have found in the future.  I will continue to pray for you guys, and thank you for your support and prayers, as well.  I love you and I hope that this week goes well for you!

Elder A. Whaley

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Loving his area!!!!


Luckies!!!!  I want snow!!!!!!  Appreciate it while it is there.  Yep, I served around Sister Partridge for about 3 or so months, I think.  She is awesome!  Hopefully, things go well for her at home and she can get back out here soon.  (This is a Sister that went home with some heart problems)  So it sounds like you had a good meeting yesterday.  We deal with people asking us about the church's stance on Gays a lot!  We just tell them that we believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and that we are to follow the commandments of God.  We aren't against those who are pro-gay, but just like another sin like breaking the law of chastity, we believe that everyone has the free agency to choose for themselves between right and wrong.  Those that claim to have no control over their sexual orientation, and were born that way, is not true.  It is a temptation or trial that is given to them in life, and just like any other temptation, they are to put off the natural man and choose right.  Usually people who ask us about this question just want to cause problems and argue, so they just try  and anti whatever we tell them, so we usually just leave it at that.  
You asked me if I need anything.  The only thing I'd like right now is the Insanity workout program.  Other than that, I can't really think of anything I need.  I just barely bought a hard drive so that I could get talks and songs from all of my companions, since they all have some really good ones that I want.  I can't wait for General Conference!  It seems like it just barely happened, and now it's here again!  It's weird to think that I was in Salt Lake with Keegan and Taylor and Cody for last April's Conference.  It's nice to just take two whole days and listen to the Prophet, Apostles, and Church Leaders.  I learn so much from it.  The work in our area has been awesome!  I can't remember if I said this before, but our ward is doing a Book of Mormon reading challenge and a fast to go with it, and all of the members are doing it, and there have been some crazy results.  We have great people that we are working with.  The members are getting involved in the work, and the work itself is hastening!  The Work has been picking up and we are finding more people to teach.  Those that we visit with, who have been following along with the challenge, have been seeing tons of blessings in their lives and they are just happier.  It's great!  I LOVE this area!  I get to sleep on a nice queen mattress, we have full car, and I love serving with Elder Lawless.  He and I have a lot of fun together, and I have learned a lot from him as well!  I hope that your week goes well and I will talk to you later!  Love ya!

Elder A. Whaley