Sunday, April 20, 2014

Companion Becoming a Woman! Haha!


Dad, that is an awesome story.  It is definitely scary to think about how to approach someone and offer them something from the church, but that is something that just comes with practice, which I'm sure you know from your mission.  That is really great that you handed the Book of Mormon to that lady.  I can understand why the sisters weren't as excited when you told them that it was out of their area.  That usually seems to happen a lot.  We find a lot of people that are interested in learning, but they always end up being out of our boundaries.  But, I've never cared so much, because as long as someone teaches them, then I'm happy with that.  Now, you'll just have to follow up with her and ask her how her daughter like having her own copy next time you see her.  This last Wednesday I started reading in the Book of Mormon from the beginning and I am going to read the whole thing once through because I've done it before, but not since I've been out on my mission.  I've read large pieces of it here and there, but not front to back.  I am going to try and finish it in 25 days.  Right now I am at the end of 2 Nephi.  How are your studies going?  Are you getting a lot from them?
This week was a little slower for us, but we still had a lot of really great lessons.  Our ward is getting more involved in missionary work and things are slowly starting to click more.  The one thing that happened last week that I wanted to tell you has to do with working out.  After emails last week, Elder Lawless wanted to go to a nutrition shop by our house to see if they had any good protein shakes that he could get.  So, we went in and Elder Lawless talked to the guy working there and told him that he wanted a protein shake that would help him bulk up.  The guy asked him what he had been taking and Elder Lawless pointed to a bottle that they had on one of the bottom shelves and told him that it was "that one".  The worker started laughing and said, "You know that stuff is for women right?"  Apparently, the protein Elder Lawless was taking was soy based and it was meant to boost estrogen levels.  Haha!  So, all he has been doing for the past month is becoming a woman!  Hahaha! He was super upset when he found that out.  But after that, the guy showed him another good shake and he ended up buying that.  The whole thing was super funny!  I still tease him about his estrogen shake.  Well, I hope that everything goes well this week for you and thank you for the letters you send me!  I really appreciate those!  Love ya!

Elder A. Whaley

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