Sunday, February 8, 2015

Working Hard!


So, I can't think of anything too exciting that happened this week in the mission.  There was definitely a lot of fun and weird things that happened, but no huge events or occurrences.
Last Tuesday for District meeting, I had one of the other companionships in the District take about 10 minutes to give a training on working with members and they did a really great job.  For the remainder of the meeting we talked about ways in which we could more effectively find in our individual areas studying from chapter 9 of Preach My Gospel.  After the meeting, I went on an exchange with one of the Spanish Elders in the Lake Placid area.  He is originally from Mexico and so English is his second language.  It was kind of hard to understand him, but he is so funny!  On the exchange in the evening, we went to an investigators house who is watching one of the member's dog while she is gone on a trip.  We helped her walk the dog to the members home for the night to tie her up to sleep, but we had to coax her with hot dogs because she kept growling at us.  It was a fat pit bull.  After we took care of the dog, we had a lesson with the lady, but she only spoke Spanish, so I just sat there for most of the lesson.
When I returned from the exchange, the next day Elder Dardon told me that they had to break into the apartment again because they couldn't get the key that we had left. (We had stopped by to grab something from the apartment on the way to Lake Placid and we left the key under the door).  So, they had to climb up the patio and break in through the sliding door like I did a few weeks ago when we locked ourselves out.
On Wednesday night, when we were on our way home, the road was completely blocked off right at the intersection that we needed to turn at to get to our complex.  There was a really bad car wreck a few hours earlier and they were still cleaning everything up.  The next day we found out that one of our new investigators was in that wreck.  We had given her a blessing a few days earlier for some upcoming heart surgery.  The person that we found this out from lived with her and she told us that she was just bruised and banged up, but nothing severe.
On Saturday we had a super awkward and uncomfortable lesson when we were trying to contact a media referral that we had received.  The person had requested a Bible for her daughter, and so that's what we came by to do.  When we pulled up and got out of the car the mom was outside in the backyard and she asked who we were.  We told her and asked if we could share a message with her.  She said, "Ya, that would be great!  Let me go grab my daughter and niece and I will be right back."  I was surprised that she even said yes.  When she came back out with them, she said, "Now these two gentlemen are going to teach you about God's word and I am going to be out back making dinner."  So she just left us alone outside with her daughter and niece, who were both in 9th grade, and she didn't even really know who we were.  So we quickly shared a message about the restoration of the Gospel and asked if there would be a time that we could come back when the mom could sit in on the lesson and listen to what it was that we were teaching them.  It was all super awkward?  I just couldn't understand how some mom would just trust two men that walked up to their door to talk to her girls alone.
This Sunday we had a big ward Conference and a lot of the members from the Port Charlotte ward came to church and it was nice to see them again.
I hope that you all have a great week!

Elder A. Whaley

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