Sunday, March 30, 2014

9 Months and Counting!!!!


I can believe that I have been out for 9 months, but it's weird!!!!!  When I think about it, it feels like it's been such a long time, but it also feels like I just barely got out here.  I hope that Vanessa's performance goes well and that she does her best.  As of right now, those possible baptisms are still up in the air.  The people want to wait a little longer before they make any decisions, but one of them showed up to Sacrament yesterday, so that was great!  This whole week was great, though.  This week we were very blessed.  I'm not sure exactly how, but we got 27 lessons this week, and we went on 4 splits with some of the ward members.  I think the most lessons I have ever gotten in a week was 16, so this week was a huge success for us!  The only explanation that I could think of how this happened would be us working hard and the ward's special fast and challenge that we are doing.  The ward is taking on the challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days and have someone signed up to fast every day during this time for the challenge and missionary work, and it is working!!!  We are finding new people to teach and we are getting referrals from members and church headquarters and people are letting us into their homes.  I guess it just goes to show what great blessings come from being united in a cause and effort in something.  Now the trick is to keep it going.  I have been exhausted from it, but at least it is for a good reason. Rarely have I ever been led to someone on my mission.  Most of the time it's someone who runs into you along the street or something.  There have been so many times where I question if a thought I had to say or do something was from the Holy Ghost, and I realize that it was after the opportunity has passed, and other times it is pretty clear that it is from the Holy Ghost, and I know to act on it.  I can see that over time, I am beginning to more easily distinguish the promptings of the Holy Ghost and that has helped me learn a lot and become a better missionary.

My personal studies have been awesome!  I am currently going through the Book of Mormon more in depth.  I've started it a few times on my mission, but I haven't gotten very far in it before I stop and get into something else.  So now I am going through it all and marking a bunch of things in it.  I am learning so many things that I never caught before when just reading through it.  Now it takes me an entire hour to go through about 3-4 pages with all of the notes that I am taking.  At this rate it will probably take me quite a while to get through the whole thing, but I will have that much of a stronger testimony of it by the time I'm done.  How has your studying been going?

Want to know something crazy?  I have gained 20 pounds in this area since I've been here, and not in fat.  We have been doing a workout program from an exercise book that we got a while ago, and I've definitely gained some muscle from it.

I'm excited to get your letter and hear your missionary experience, Mom.  I hope that you have a great week and that all goes well.  Love ya!!!!

Elder A. Whaley

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