Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Miracle


What?!  Elder Oaks is coming to your Stake Conference?  Luckies!!!!!  This has definitely been one of those weeks.  I don't know how, but we were so blessed this week.  We taught more lessons this week than I have taught in any week of my mission.  We just went out and worked, worked, worked, and we got to teach a lot of lessons.  We didn't really know where to go, we just picked some people and tried to go see them, and a lot of it went really great.  I have been pretty tired this week, but it has been really great!  The thing that I really loved this week, though, was our miracle that happened.  We decided to go try a less active member that was on our roster that I had never met before, and when we got there, we just started talking to her to see how she was doing.  She told us that she was at a low in her life right now and that she has been struggling with drug addiction and family problems.  Elder Lawless basically told her that the three most important things that she could be doing right now was to read her scriptures, pray, and go to church.  She started crying and saying, "I know that's what I need to do."  So, we invited her to meet with the bishop that night and she showed up.  They had a great conversation and they got help for her.  Since it was mutual that night, we showed her two kids what groups they could join, so we introduced them to some of the members and got them involved in the activities.  They all loved it, and by that time, they were all excited to come to church Sunday.  On Sunday, they not only came, but they managed to get one of their neighbors and her kids to come along with them.  We are going to start teaching their family all of the lessons and getting back on track and fully active.  The whole thing was just awesome!  My companions are great!  I love you, and I hope that you have an awesome week!

Elder A. Whaley

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