Sunday, May 3, 2015

First Flat Tire!


     This week was very hot!  We are getting closer and closer to summer and it just keeps getting a little bit hotter every day.  We biked about 140 miles this week and we had quite a few bike repairs take place because we have worn our bikes into the ground.  I got my first flat tire on my mission last week.  Luckily, it was right in front of a bike shop, so I just bought a new tube and then we walked home and got it fixed.  The next day Elder Reynolds got a flat tire on his new road bike tires that he bought.  We were about 4 miles from a shop when this happened.  We ended up walking to our teaching appointment and then walking to a bike shop afterwards to get it fixed.  Somehow, we were able to make it to all of our teaching appointments, regardless of the fact that we had to walk to all of them.  Towards the end of the week, we replaced our rear cassettes and chains because those were worn to nothing.  We had a member replace it for us and now our bikes are working great again.  I think that is the first time that I have had to replace anything on my bike being out here.
     We got to go to another ward's baptismal service this last Saturday and bring one of our investigators who is getting baptized this coming Sunday.  His name is Alan.  He has had no problems in his progress so far and his parents are supportive of his decision.  Elder Pond is going to be baptizing him and Elder Reynolds will be confirming him the following Sunday.  I'm pretty excited for it.
     This last transfer just ended and we got transfer emails.  All three of us are staying together, which I am very happy about.  So, Elder Reynolds will kill us off and possibly stay for another transfer to show a new Elder around the area.  I'm very excited to see what will happen this transfer as we continue to work.

Elder A. Whaley

Mini-MTC Experience


     This last week was great!  It was cloudy most of the week, so it wasn't extremely hot, but the humidity definitely was kicked up a notch to make up the difference.  We did a whole lot of biking, I think around 180 miles this week.  I think all it does is make me eat more because I get super hungry from it.
     This last week we were able to set a baptismal date with one of our investigators who is super solid.  He is 17 years old and he is extremely smart.  He actually understands what he reads in the Book of Mormon and he has kept every single commitment that we have left with him to keep.  The first week he came to church he showed up in a button shirt and jeans, and this last week he bought 3 pairs of shirts, a tie, and some shoes and slacks to use.  He loves all of the young men and he is just a great kid.  His baptism will be at the beginning of May.
     This last Saturday our Stake held its annual Mini-MTC for all of the youth in the Stake, ages 14 and up.  It was such an amazing experience.  It started at 8 a.m. and went to 7 p.m.  In the morning we received our group of 7 missionaries and assigned their companions.  Throughout the day we went over chapters of Preach My Gospel and talked about a number of different things that would help prepare them for their missions.  At the end of the night they had to teach a member family the "Gospel of Jesus Christ" from P.M.G., so all of their studies were centered around that.  Many of them were pretty nervous, but they all really enjoyed it.  They all did their lessons in the cultural hall with their families.  They had an hour and a half long visit with them where the family member that served in the mission that they were called to talked about their mission and the culture and other things, and the last 30 minutes was given to the youth to teach their lesson.  We didn't get to sit in on the lesson, but they said it went great.  Everyone in our District had a call to the Philippines.  These are pictures of our district.  They are all studs!

Elder A. Whaley

Mini-MTC Elders

Mini-MTC Elders