Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New adventures in Florida!



Just so you know, I got another watch and yes, I got all of the packages you sent!  Thanks so Much!  If you could send letters through the week, that might be nice so I don't have to try and squeeze it all in an hour-that's all the time I get to write/type on P-day.  I can't believe Corbin is going to Japan!  That's going to be so tough at first, but I hope that he sticks with it and does his best to learn the language and everything.  I heard that Japanese is one of the hardest ones to learn at the MTC because it is just so different.  Tell him to make it through the MTC and he'll do good.  This week we also got a baptism lined up with one of our investigating families for August 17th.  The mom and her two sons are going to be baptized, which is really cool.  We're going to try to convince them to do it at the beach so that we are allowed to go there.  Haha.  Also, this monday I went on an exchange with one of the Haitian Elders and it was crazy.  The first house we went to, the lady was mumbling some prayer chant thing while I was giving the closing prayer.  In the next house, the lady gave the closing prayer and she was standing up and praising God just lie "Hallelujah, Christ..." and a bunch of other things I didn't understand because it was in Creole.  Then, in the last house we stopped at, the lady there fed us cow's feet with some rice and gross veggie stuff.  It was Disgusting, but we ate it all.  My companion didn't tell me what it was till after I finished it.  He said that it was the grossest thing he has ever been fed on his mission, and I've only been out a few weeks and I got to share in that experience with him (Ya me!)  Other than that, nothing too exciting happened this week.

Elder A. Whaley

Me in front of a HUGE truck!

My backyard!

My companion, Elder Lott, from Idaho Falls

The beach!

Cow's feet with veggies (disgusting!)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Two weeks in!



The area I live in is the richest in the mission and is very nice.  So it will all be down hill from here when we transfer.  I haven't met the Brookes (some people I know from Idaho), but the Crowder's are in our ward, so maybe I'll meet them soon.  I am in the Vanderbilt ward, too.  I can't send pictures just yet because I'm about out of time to email, so I'll try to next week.  Sorry.  As for experiences, I got to see the ocean for a few minutes for the first time, and it was AWESOME!  It was cooler than I expected-just because it never ends in any direction, and I took a few pictures.  We rode bikes most of the week to our appointments and it was fun except that there are nats everywhere and it's really annoying.  Saturday evening we were knocking on doors and we ran into some neat situations.  The first guy was from Scotland on vacation and he wan't interested.  The second door, a hispanic guy answered and he let us right in to his house to talk to him and he spoke very little English.  I did my best to use the 10 words of Spanish I know and communicate with him and it actually worked out good.  He was excited, and we just gave him the Spanish missionaries phone number so they could continue to teach him.  The next door was a Hindu guy who spoke no English, but it was cool to see all the weird decorations on his house.  We just gave him a card and left.  As we were leaving, some guy was yelling at us down the street to come over to him, so we did.  He wanted us to talk to his friend that I guess had been cheating on his wife and had gotten his secret girlfriend pregnant.  He thought that we might be able to help, and we said that we would talk with him, but I honestly was just thinking "oh crap, I don't know what to say other than, messed up big time."  Luckily though, when the guy came out, he was so drunk that he couldn't even stand or think straight.  He thought that Elder Lott and I were pilots.  So we told his friend that we would stop by another time and talk to him.  Other than that, the rest of the week has been pretty regular.  We are just trying to find new investigators to teach.  Mail should be sent to my apartment because then it won't take 2 weeks to get here.  It's much quicker to send it to my apartment address.  I finally got my helmet.  The plane ride was awesome, but I didn't get to look out the window since there was a guy there who closed it and went to sleep the whole flight.  I am thinking about getting a G.P.S., but I don't know if I want to because it's like $100.  A lot of missionaries have one and they said it helps a ton.  Other than that, all is going well.  Dad, thanks for sharing your experience in the temple and how life prepares us for the future, and the events that we participate in.  Also, about how other's have influenced my life so far.  That's pretty neat.  I have definitely thought back already, and I can think of a list of people who have done that for me as well, and you and mom are at the top of the list.  I am really enjoying it out here and I am learning everyday. I try my best to teach and work by the Spirit, and it's working out good so far, but there are instances where I don't have it and it stinks.  Anyway, love ya!

Elder Whaley

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Loving his Mission!



I'm doing great!  I just really needed to get out of the MTC.  It's beautiful down here and I love it.  The humidity is not that bad.  I don't know why everyone was exaggerating it so much.  The storms are weird though.  It will rain for like 10 seconds full down pour, then be sunny right after.  The rain will be warm then cold.  It will be raining on one side of the road, but not the other.  It's just weird.  I have been out in my new area in Vanderbilt beach near Naples for a week now.  My trainer's name is Braden Lott and he is from Idaho Falls.  He has been out for 13 months and he is really awesome.  It's kind of weird though, because he and I are super similar in our personalities and thoughts.  He is a great trainer.  We have had plenty of opportunities to go out tracting and providing various forms of service.  I really love the area, everyone says that it's the nicest area in the whole mission, and it really isn't too bad with all the humidity.  I'll have to take some more pictures of the area and send them to you soon.  I am a lot less stressed and I am really enjoying working and having 3 hours in the morning for study time.  I am learning so much and am so excited about teaching and learning even more.  I have already had a bunch of neat experiences being out here, and we have already got a family committed to baptism.  We are just going to teach them and get them ready.  There is also another man who is planning on baptism and we're teaching him as well.  We have gone tracting, and one man let us in his home to give his family the Savior's peace and blessing.  He seemed interested and he was very nice, so we're going to go back and talk to him some more.  A lot of the people down here are from Rexburg and Idaho Falls because they are all in some Anesthesia program for school.  I don't recognize any of them, though.  The Elders who were living at our apartment before us, went home and left their "graveyard" of junk for us.  It's nice, though, because I got a bunch of free stuff that I needed like some lights for my bike, a chain lock, some extra clothes, and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff.  Anyway, it's great to hear from you, and I'll send some pictures next time.  You'll be jealous when you see the area, cause it's awesome.  Love you!

Elder A. Whaley

*There is another Elder Whaley out here and our apartment has a pool (that we can't use), a gym, and a raquetball court.  So we are pretty spoiled.

Monday, July 8, 2013

First and last email from MTC

We ended up getting 3 emails in one day.  I guess he didn't realize that he had more time, so he kept getting on and writing.

Dear mom and dad,

It's really great to hear from you and thanks for sending those dear elders to me.  I really enjoy them, but make them longer please.  I'm really starting to enjoy my companions and my experience here at the MTC.  I actually was very overwhelmed being here and I really was pretty homesick, but now I am really starting to adjust and I'm starting to like it a lot.  I just feel tired and stressed because I am in very long classes all day long, and we learn so much.  We also do a lot of teaching and role playing activities.  Whenever I get outside, though, to exercise, I feel much better, so I am excited to be able to ride my bike to help me relax.  Thank you for the message you sent.  I know it will help me.  I'm just glad I will be in here for just a few more days, I wouldn't be able to handle 6 weeks like some others.  I'm excited and scared to head out, but I know that I'll adjust and grow stronger as a missionary.  Please keep writing me and sending me some Dear Elder letters while Im here because those really help.  I have already grown in my testimony and my knowledge of the Gospel  I can't wait to see how much more I will grow when I get out there.  Please send me my license as soon as it comes in the mail.  I leave Monday on my flight to Florida and we're suppose to start heading to the airport at 3:30 a.m., but I don't think our flight leaves until 7.  Make sure to have dad's cell phone next to you in the morning and I will try to call it when I get the chance.  I will also try to call when I arrive.  I actually already broke my wrist watch by dropping it like 1 foot from the ground by accident.  It fell apart and I couldn't put it back together.  I'm just going to buy another one when I get in Florida.  Anyways, I really love to hear from you.  I pray for you guys and always think about you.  Thanks for your support and comfort. Love you so much and miss you.

Elder Whaley

2nd email:

Hey, I just found out that I have some more time so I'll write a little more.  If you plan on sending me a package with food here at the MTC, don't!  (Too late-I already did!)  I won't have time to eat it, and it will just be left here to the other missionaries when I leave.  Just remind people to email me when I get out in my mission because I really would love to hear from anyone.  All letters are really nice to read.  Honestly though, I am so glad I only have a few more days in here because I can't stand being confined in this campus almost all day.  My favorite time is gym time, and that helps alleviate stress so much!  We sit in classes all day for hours at a time and it's hard.  We learn a lot of helpful and cool things, but I have to be out and doing something.  I can't wait till I can ride my bike around most of the day when I get out there.  I mean, I love all the Elders and Sisters and teachers here, but I just can't live in this confined area.  Haha.  Also, I just wanted to share an amazing talk that we watched Sunday night.  I don't think that you can find it online or anywhere because it was given in the MTC, but it was by far the very best talk I have ever heard.  Period!  It was titled, "The Character of Christ" given by David A. Bednar.  It focused on not what Christ did, but who he was and how when we would turn in towards ourselves in pity and sympathy, the Savior would turn out to others in love, even when he was suffering greatly.  He used the story in Matthew 4 and some other scriptures I have written down somewhere else.  I wrote down as much of the talk as I could remember, but I'm going to watch it again this Sunday because it is one of those talks that is just life changing.  Other than that, like I said, I can't wait to leave and get started.  I am so grateful for your love and support.  Your letters have helped to keep me focused on what I am doing and I really appreciate them.  Love you, talk to you next week.

Elder Whaley

*I had responded back to his email and encouraged him to ask for a Priesthood blessing if he felt that he needed it.  He replied for the last time:

Thanks for replying so quickly.  I have six minutes left to type.  I know what you mean by the Priesthood blessing power.  My companions and I have actually given like 8 blessings for elders and sisters in our district who have been sick or just needed comfort.  I'm glad I've had the opportunity to do that so I can get a good idea of what to do in the field when the opportunity arises.  It is a really cool thing to have, and all of those that received blessings were fine within like a day or so.  I just wanted to tell you that we had a real life investigator come for our role playing and we taught him for an hour and it was amazing.  We talked about the plan of salvation and a bit of the restoration.  The spirit was so strong and that experience helped me to really see why we are out here and it's really helped me to stay focused on the needs of the investigator rather than wheat I fell I need to teach him.  I also ran into Elder Taylor (Keegan) and asked him to speak some Spanish, and he already sounds amazing at it.  He said that he's picking it up quickly.  I really hope that I can pick up a bunch of Spanish while I'm out.  Thank you so much for your support, and I miss you a lot, but I'm also very excited to go and have this 2 year experience.  I also love when you share uplifting experiences with me, that helps me know that how stressed I am and worried is normal and that I will eventually get the hang of it.  Love you.  I have to go now.  Bye.

Elder Whaley

First Letter Home!

We received a written letter from Austin on Saturday, June 29th.  We weren't expecting it, so it was a nice surprise.

Dated 6-27-13  (The day after he entered the MTC)

Dear Mom, Dad, Vanessa, and Whitney,

     I am really enjoying my stay at the MTC so far.  I've only been here for two days now, but I've already been overwhelmed with information.  Right now it's pretty stressful and hard, but everyone says that the first 4 days are the worst, so I'll just wait till then.  Then, I think I will really start to enjoy it.  I've already seen Elder Galbraith (Taylor) and I am in a trio companionship.  My companions are Elder Grant and Elder Nelson.  They are both 18 years old and they're going to my mission.  They are both very musical and into drama and other school clubs like that.  I don't have too much in common with them, but they are still cool guys.  The schedule here is pretty rigorous and I've been really tired, but I'll adjust quickly.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine and I really appreciate all of your guy's hard work to get me here.  I already miss you guys and home.  I can't wait to hear from you. I love you.

Elder Whaley

Missionary pictures

Our home teacher is a photographer and took pictures of Austin for his plaque.  They turned out nice!

On my Way!

Austin had a cousin getting married on June 22nd, so he got set apart from the Stake President on Friday, June 21st (5 days before he was to enter the MTC).  Our family traveled down to Lehi, UT to attend the wedding and all the events surrounding it.  We then stayed with Aunt Lezlee's family until Wednesday, June 26th.  It was tricky waiting that long, but we tried to find things that Austin could participate in while we were there.  I think his dad had a fun time being his companion for 5 days, but I'm not sure Austin enjoyed sleeping in the same room as his dad because of his snoring!  Austin was able to attend the sealing of his cousin, Macy.  It was a neat experience for him.  We also took him to the Salt Lake Temple where he went to a live session with his dad, while his mom and sisters did baptisms.  He spent a lot of time with family and tried to keep busy.  On the day he was to enter the MTC, June 26th, it was his Aunt Lezlee's birthday.  We ate a bunch of pancakes and then started packing up everything.  We had to stop by Walmart to grab a couple of last minute items and then we stopped at 7-11 to get Slurpees (one of our favorite Utah treats).  Time went by so quickly.  Austin was supposed to enter the MTC at 2:30 and we made it to the Provo Temple at 2:00.  We quickly took some pictures and were able to visit for a few minutes.  It seemed to work out fine.  We held it together better than I thought we would.  When we got to the MTC, they had us pull up to marker #2 and Austin seemed ready to go.  We had everything they asked for and the Host was very kind.  We gave quick hugs good bye and then watched as Austin took off.  We slowly drove off and were able to watch him with his host for awhile.  It was an exciting, but sad day.

After being set apart as a missionary

The Whaley's with our newest missionary-
Elder Austin Whaley

Austin with his friend Taylor Galbraith-they both
are entering the MTC on the same day.

Some of Austin's friends saying good-bye-
Jade, Colton, Caleb, Morgan, Daniel, Rhett, Corbin

Elder Whaley outside the Mt. Timpanogos Temple

Bill with his companion-Elder Austin Whaley

The bride's side of the family.

The bride's crazy side of the family.

Elder Austin Whaley visiting with Grandma and Grandpa
at the wedding reception.

Elder Austin Whaley with Aunt
Lezlee and Uncle Ben.

Elder Austin Whaley with cousin

Whaley kids with Slurpee tongues.

Elder Whaley with his sisters-
Vanessa and Whitney

The proud parents of
Elder Austin Whaley

Austin and Dad

The Whaley clan (minus Elder Shad Whaley)

Austin and Vanessa

Austin and Whitney

Austin and the girls!

Austin and Dad

Goofy Whaley kids!

Austin dragging his sister-
"No!-don't go!"

Hugging Dad good-bye

Hugging Vanessa good-bye

Hugging Whitney Good-bye

Hugging Mom good-bye!
Unloading luggage at curbside.

Checking everything!

Giving the "thumbs up" signal!

And he's off!

On his way to the MTC!

Priesthood, Temple, and Farewell

Austin turned 18 on June 8th, 2013.  It was a very eventful day.  He received the Melchizedek priesthood that morning from his father, Bill (Edgar William) Whaley.  He then took out his temple endowments that afternoon.  It was a great session and several family and friends came to support him.  The next day, June 9th, Austin had his missionary farewell at 1:00p.m.  He was given the assignment to speak on "Personal Revelation".  He did an amazing job and many people commented on how mature in the gospel Austin was.  He sounded more like a return missionary than a newly called one.  After the farewell, we had a luncheon at the Sugar High School commons.  I had made over 20 dozen rolls and we had ham and toppings to make ham sandwiches.  People brought salads, chips, and desserts.  It was a great turn out and Austin had fun visiting with those who came.  We appreciated all the support!

Those who attended Austin receiving the
Melchizedek Priesthood

After Austin received his temple endowments

Goofy Uncle Kim

Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Marilyn dishing up!

Dustin S., Caleb, Colton, Lexi, and Austin getting food.

Austin and Taylor (Mr. Actor)

Uncle Darren, Tanner, and Allyson

Devin, Talmage, Kacie, Uncle Craig, Aunt Kimberly
Chase, and friend (?)

Kacie, Addie, Vanessa, Talmage, McKell, and Emi 

Grandma and Grandpa Young

Caleb, Rebecca, Taylor, Colton, Austin, and Dustin

Aunt Lezlee and Uncle Kim (after a hard day!)  LOL

Emi, Vanessa, McKell, and Addie

Judy and Zane Powell (such a character!)

Lexi, Keegan, Taylor, Caleb, Dustin, Austin,
Rebecca, Morgan, and Colton
Lexi, Keegan, Taylor, Caleb, Dustin, Austin,
Rebecca, Morgan, and Colton
 showing their true colors!
Austin, Jake, and Chase (cousins)

Uncle Darren, Austin, and Aunt Marilyn

Austin and Uncle Darren and Aunt Marilyn's family!
The Hatch gang!

The other Hatch gang!
Ambry, Devin, Chase, Aunt Kimberly,
Uncle Craig, and Austin

Uncle Craig crying into Austin's
chest because he's leaving!
It looks like he's smelling his armpit!  LOL
The 3rd Hatch gang!
Allyson, Tanner, Austin, and Uncle Kim
Judy Powell, Austin, and Zane Powell

Uncle Craig, Haley, Aunt Lezlee 

Emi, Austin, and Addie

Austin with Grandpa and Grandma Young

The Whaley clan!
The "True" Whaley clan! 

Us again!
Austin with the Smith's (Heidi, Roger, Reagan, and Kennedy)
Austin with the Stewart's
(Marc, Tawnia, Dallin, Tyler (the ham), Chloe, and McKinlee)
The Stewart kids at their BEST!  :)
Austin with the Mosers
(Kerry, Leon, Ben, and Brooklyn)