Monday, July 8, 2013

First and last email from MTC

We ended up getting 3 emails in one day.  I guess he didn't realize that he had more time, so he kept getting on and writing.

Dear mom and dad,

It's really great to hear from you and thanks for sending those dear elders to me.  I really enjoy them, but make them longer please.  I'm really starting to enjoy my companions and my experience here at the MTC.  I actually was very overwhelmed being here and I really was pretty homesick, but now I am really starting to adjust and I'm starting to like it a lot.  I just feel tired and stressed because I am in very long classes all day long, and we learn so much.  We also do a lot of teaching and role playing activities.  Whenever I get outside, though, to exercise, I feel much better, so I am excited to be able to ride my bike to help me relax.  Thank you for the message you sent.  I know it will help me.  I'm just glad I will be in here for just a few more days, I wouldn't be able to handle 6 weeks like some others.  I'm excited and scared to head out, but I know that I'll adjust and grow stronger as a missionary.  Please keep writing me and sending me some Dear Elder letters while Im here because those really help.  I have already grown in my testimony and my knowledge of the Gospel  I can't wait to see how much more I will grow when I get out there.  Please send me my license as soon as it comes in the mail.  I leave Monday on my flight to Florida and we're suppose to start heading to the airport at 3:30 a.m., but I don't think our flight leaves until 7.  Make sure to have dad's cell phone next to you in the morning and I will try to call it when I get the chance.  I will also try to call when I arrive.  I actually already broke my wrist watch by dropping it like 1 foot from the ground by accident.  It fell apart and I couldn't put it back together.  I'm just going to buy another one when I get in Florida.  Anyways, I really love to hear from you.  I pray for you guys and always think about you.  Thanks for your support and comfort. Love you so much and miss you.

Elder Whaley

2nd email:

Hey, I just found out that I have some more time so I'll write a little more.  If you plan on sending me a package with food here at the MTC, don't!  (Too late-I already did!)  I won't have time to eat it, and it will just be left here to the other missionaries when I leave.  Just remind people to email me when I get out in my mission because I really would love to hear from anyone.  All letters are really nice to read.  Honestly though, I am so glad I only have a few more days in here because I can't stand being confined in this campus almost all day.  My favorite time is gym time, and that helps alleviate stress so much!  We sit in classes all day for hours at a time and it's hard.  We learn a lot of helpful and cool things, but I have to be out and doing something.  I can't wait till I can ride my bike around most of the day when I get out there.  I mean, I love all the Elders and Sisters and teachers here, but I just can't live in this confined area.  Haha.  Also, I just wanted to share an amazing talk that we watched Sunday night.  I don't think that you can find it online or anywhere because it was given in the MTC, but it was by far the very best talk I have ever heard.  Period!  It was titled, "The Character of Christ" given by David A. Bednar.  It focused on not what Christ did, but who he was and how when we would turn in towards ourselves in pity and sympathy, the Savior would turn out to others in love, even when he was suffering greatly.  He used the story in Matthew 4 and some other scriptures I have written down somewhere else.  I wrote down as much of the talk as I could remember, but I'm going to watch it again this Sunday because it is one of those talks that is just life changing.  Other than that, like I said, I can't wait to leave and get started.  I am so grateful for your love and support.  Your letters have helped to keep me focused on what I am doing and I really appreciate them.  Love you, talk to you next week.

Elder Whaley

*I had responded back to his email and encouraged him to ask for a Priesthood blessing if he felt that he needed it.  He replied for the last time:

Thanks for replying so quickly.  I have six minutes left to type.  I know what you mean by the Priesthood blessing power.  My companions and I have actually given like 8 blessings for elders and sisters in our district who have been sick or just needed comfort.  I'm glad I've had the opportunity to do that so I can get a good idea of what to do in the field when the opportunity arises.  It is a really cool thing to have, and all of those that received blessings were fine within like a day or so.  I just wanted to tell you that we had a real life investigator come for our role playing and we taught him for an hour and it was amazing.  We talked about the plan of salvation and a bit of the restoration.  The spirit was so strong and that experience helped me to really see why we are out here and it's really helped me to stay focused on the needs of the investigator rather than wheat I fell I need to teach him.  I also ran into Elder Taylor (Keegan) and asked him to speak some Spanish, and he already sounds amazing at it.  He said that he's picking it up quickly.  I really hope that I can pick up a bunch of Spanish while I'm out.  Thank you so much for your support, and I miss you a lot, but I'm also very excited to go and have this 2 year experience.  I also love when you share uplifting experiences with me, that helps me know that how stressed I am and worried is normal and that I will eventually get the hang of it.  Love you.  I have to go now.  Bye.

Elder Whaley

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