Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Journal Entry


Sorry, I didn't email at all this last week.  Our p-day was taken up by a bunch of other stuff and we didn't have any time left to do it.  I can't send emails out any other day of the week.  I wish I could have been there to see all of that flooding in Rexburg.  Even though it sounds like a whole lot of damage, I think it would have been fun to play in the water.
Anyway, I thought instead of summarizing everything this week, I would let you read last night's journal entry.  It was a pretty great day!  Love you!!

Here's the journal entry:

BEST SUNDAY EVER!!!!!  We had an amazing week that lead up to this perfect day!  After Ward Council this morning, we drove to Quintyn B.'s to wake him up and give him a ride to church.  We did the same thing with Charlie and Hunter M.  As a result, they both came.  Oh Ya!!  Don H. and Angela L. showed up, as well.  So we had 4 investigators at church today.  While I was greeting people at the door with Bro. Vick, one of the sisters' investigators, Peggy, walked out right in front of us on the main walkway where everyone was coming and started smoking a cigarette.  As she was walking out she said, "I still have 5 minutes before church starts."  It was kind of funny, but then I had to hurry and ask her to smoke on the side of the building away from everyone.  All of the church meetings were great and we got a referral from the Vanscoyks.  His name is Tyler A. and he works for them.  He has been asking them a lot of questions about the church.  So, we stopped by and gave him a B.O.M. and it turned into a 2-hour lesson where we talked a lot about the Book and we taught him the entire Plan of Salvation.  It was sick!  At the end of our day, we looked at all of our weekly goals and saw that we reached EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!!  Neither of us have had that happen, and I don't know if that will happen again!  I hope so.  We got 26 lessons!!!!

Austin's actual Journal Entry
(written in his tiny handwriting)

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