Sunday, January 19, 2014

Will he be Transferred?


Well, we have transfer calls this Saturday and I might be leaving or staying.  If I leave, it will probably be on the 20th of this month, so I might not be here.  I don't know how I feel about possibly getting transferred.  I want to experience another area, but I know this area so well now, it would almost feel like leaving home again-haha.  I'm kind of hoping I will so I don't have to bike all the time, but so many areas are being put on full bike, so who knows.  I may get transferred to another biking area if I do.  There are some Garner's here, but not the one you mentioned.  We have had a ton of opportunities to talk to people while we are out biking, and most of them are interested in learning more, but almost all of them are YSA or they live in some other missionaries area.  It's been a little annoying, but I guess it doesn't matter who it goes to as long as someone teaches them.  This week, one of the senior missionary couples gave me a chord sheet and some songs I could play (about 13 of them), but I've already played through them about 10 times each and now I need new songs.  If you could find some hymns or instrumentals that are either strumming or tableture, that'd be great!  This morning a member from the other missionaries ward, who lives with us, came to our gym to show us a good workout.  He is a personal trainer and he is going to set up a workout program for us based on our  gym equipment.  He had us work out chest and back today, and it killed all of us.  Elder Barnett didn't end up doing it.  He has his own little program, but the rest of us got worked.  It was a circuit training that we rotated between 4 things.  We did a set of 25 reps for each station, then 15, then 12, then 12 again, and then 50 to end it.  None of us could really get through it without taking a bunch of breaks.  That was the first time that I've really worked out super hard since I've been out here.  Now my back and chest are dead.  He told us to take a tone of protein after we work out and a little while before we go to bed each night.  I think I might take some protein in the mornings, but not at night.  Hopefully, this will really get me back into shape.  He gave us so many great tips for exercising, though.
This week, not too much happened.  We had some good lessons with some investigators and we invited them to church, but no one showed up.  Of course, it was an amazing service.  All of the Sacrament talks were about the Godhead or on the existence of God.  M. Arsenault wasn't there this week either, and she is the one who is atheist.  So that really stunk!  But, this last Wednesday, we met some guy who is originally from Honduras, but he came over to America when he was a baby.  He has some major mental issues and is legitimately crazy.  He has been baptized into about 18 different churches throughout his life.  When we talked to him about the restoration and a little bit about baptism, he was like, "Dude, I'm kind of tired of getting baptized."  It was funny.  But, he is really interested and we will probably meet with him this week.  Love ya!

Elder A. Whaley

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