Monday, March 17, 2014

Pressing Forward


You asked about that inactive family-well, we are actually going to have a lesson with that family this evening after p-day.  They didn't make it to church yesterday, but they are ready to do what they need to in order to have Christ more in their life and get back to church.  This last week wasn't as eventful, though.  We still saw quite a few people, but nothing too notable.  So many people in this area are willing to meet with us, and if they cancel, they usually will set up a return appointment with us.  It seems like the less-active members are more willing to help us out than the active members are.  We are starting to get a few people and families working on coming back to church and getting involved. I think with a little more time, we will be able to gain the trust of a lot more members and less-active members and things will really begin to pick up.  We just had transfer calls and Elder Hargan will be on a plane ride home to Washington Wednesday.  Elder Lawless and I will be staying together.  I am trying to keep in contact with Elder Fisher to see how he is doing on his recovery, but I haven't heard back from him yet.  Hopefully, everything went well and he is preparing to come back out.  You had asked about taking pictures with the iPad, but we aren't suppose to use our iPads for taking personal pictures and sending them on emails.  I don't want to send my SD card because I have heard of a lot of people doing that and it either gets lost or the card gets erased somehow going through the mail.  So, I'm not going to chance that.  Sorry.
Our ward is doing a Book of Mormon reading challenge, and the goal is to read it in 90 days.  I started my own personal reading a few weeks ago and I am in 2 Nephi, and I am learning so much more as I continue to go through it.  It's great!  How have your studies been coming along?  Well, I am a little tired right now, and I can't really focus on what I want to say, but things are going good here and I get to kill and butcher a pig this Friday for a pig roast, so that will be fun.  Love ya!

Elder A. Whaley

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