Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wise Words from Elder Whaley


Wow!  It definitely sounds like you all have been getting hit pretty heavily with a lot of things.  I think that the best thing to do is just keep doing what you know you should.  Keep reading, praying, going to church and the temple, and fasting.  All of those things are what help cultivate your faith and having faith in God includes having faith in His timing.  Dad has been able to pull through all of these things in the past and he will continue to make it.  Something that has been hard, but helpful for me, is focusing on what you can control.  It's extremely easy to get frustrated or stressed over things that we have no influence over, but we shouldn't let that affect our mood or emotions.  Just focus on what is in your influence to control.
This week we had a great amount of work that we were able to do and yesterday was especially awesome!  Even though we have been having a lot of lessons for the past 6 weeks or so, we have hardly ever had anyone of them show up to church.  Yesterday though, there were two entire less active families that showed up as well as 2 of our investigators and they all loved the Sacrament meeting.  All of the talks were powerful and centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yesterday, was probably the best Sunday that I have had on my mission.  I honestly didn't expect for that many people to show up, because not that many ever had before.  As a missionary, I think that I can kind of relate to how you feel, just in a different sense.  To me, sometimes I just feel frustrated that we are doing all of this work, but nothing ever seems to be happening.  We are doing all we can on our part, but for some reason things just fall through or don't happen the way you want them to.  All you can do is keep trying and focus your efforts and your thoughts on what you can control and leave the rest to Heavenly Father.
I hope that this week turns out a lot better for you all and that Dad starts to get better.  i love you and I'm praying for you all!

Elder A. Whaley

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