Saturday, January 3, 2015

Loves Conducting Baptism Interviews



This last week was somewhat difficult to work with since many of our investigators and members were gone for the holidays, so we didn't have too many people to see.  We did quite a bit of finding on the streets, but didn't have too much success there, either.  Christmas was great, though.  After our Skype call, we went to a member's home for lunch and afterwards just hung out at our apartment.  I took the time to study the scriptures and to ponder about the Christmas season and reason.  During this time, we also watched a bunch of church videos and got to relax a bit.
I think my favorite thing about being a district leader is conducting baptismal interviews.  The spirit is so strong in them and I am so excited for the people I get to interview!  Tuesday morning we drove over to Port Charlotte to give an interview for Angela, one of the Elders' investigators.  I actually was teaching her with Elder Lawless for a bit and with Elder Swallow before I left, and she finally decided to be baptized!  The interview was pretty quick, but I was just so happy to see that she received answers to the things that concerned her when i was teaching her and that she was taking this step.  The other interview that I got to hold this week was for one of the sisters' investigators in our ward.  Her name is Sylvia and she had investigated the church for an entire year before deciding to be baptized.  She was completely ready, though.  The interview went really well, but at the end of it she asked me how someone can get excommunicated from the church.  She was curious because someone she knew had been excommunicated.  I told her the process in which it happens and I told her that those people are always invited to join the church again after a period of time through repentance.
Saturday was her baptism and it was probably the most spiritual baptism I've been to out here so far.  For the intermission they had Elder Dardon and I go up and relate the restoration to the people attending.  It was such a cool experience!  At the end of the baptism she got up and bore her testimony with us all.
I hope that all is going well for you and that this next week turns out to be a great one!

Elder A. Whaley

Elder Austin Whaley 
Elder Whaley and ?

Elder Whaley at living quarters in
Port Charlotte 
Elder Dardon, Elder Whaley, and ?

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