Monday, October 28, 2013

Adjusting to No Tracting


My Worst:  Elder Lott and I biked 106 miles in 4 days this last week.  It was a little cooler when we had the car, but it decided to get up to about 94 degrees when we had bikes.  We had not set appointment for most of the week, so we had to bike and look for less-actives and members to visit.  Since we aren't allowed to knock anymore, we haven't found anyone new to teach for over two weeks because all of our investigators come from referalls and no one has given us any.  Also, P-day was kind of a drag since I got about 5 minutes to email.  The internet was not working on the computers we use and so we just sat there trying to fix them.  When we had about 10 minutes left, one of the computers started working and we shared the time we had left to email.  I saw that I got a bunch of emails from friends and Grandma and I didn't have time to look at any of them.  Hopefully, the computers work next time.
My Best:  We got to have dinner with some members that moved here from Mesa, Arizona.  We stopped by to get to know them and to offer a peace & blessing and they had us come over Sunday for lunch to do it.  Their name is the Marlers and Brother Marler is way cool.  Their whole family was so fun and nice.  I guess the dad (Bro. Marler) snowboarded a lot at Targhee when he went to BYU-I, and he even taught the advanced snowboarding class at the college.  I talked a lot about snowboarding with him.  It was nice because this was the first time that I could contribute anything to the conversation.  Normally, all of our dinner conversations end up being about sports and I just don't say anything because I don't know anything about sports.  But, it was a really fun time.
My Funniest:  We ran into this lady who says that she is an Earth-Mother.  She told us that she use to be a Presbyterian and Methodist, but then became an Earth-Mother.  She told us that she does rain ceremonies to grow her "garden" and to make sure that it doesn't rain on Tuesdays because her neighbor plays tennis on Tuesdays.  So I guess she does it as a favor to her.  Right when we pulled up on bikes, she put her hands in the air and said, "You are both very good energies.  I can feel your good energy."  She asked us what our birthdays were and made some weird prophecies of what was going to happen to us over the next year.  She looked at me and told me that I was a "Heart-Baby".  Whatever that means!  She asked what I was going to study and I told her possibly something like dentistry or optometry.  Then, she said, "Yes!  Optometry!  You must have the vision to work with the eyes.  Anyone can do teeth, but you need to have a vision for the eyes!"  Then she told me that I was a better "feeler" than Elder Lott, and she said she could tell by my energy.  She asked us what we are doing and we told her.  She told us to leave the presence of our energy wherever we go, even if we don't talk to anyone.  Besides, all of this, she said a bunch of other stuff that didn't make any sense.
My Spiritual:  General Conference was amazing!  I took 5 pages full of notes in my tiny hand writing. I got so much out of it, and I loved it.  Love you!

Elder A. Whaley

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