Monday, October 7, 2013

Spiritual Feast!


I thought about many of those same things that you mentioned, as I watched Conference and how many of the talks applied directly to loving and serving those that are in this mission.  I got so much out of Conference and I can't wait till the next one.  I also can't wait for the Ensign to come out so that I can review the talks I really liked.  Also, thinking about the things you have said about missionary work, you are called of God as well, being a member Missionary.  I know that almost everyone there is a member and that the work is different, but there is still work, and you can help.  I loved the talk given by president Monson on home teaching and the important and noble calling it is.  I have gained a greater desire to more fully magnify each and every calling that I receive in the church to my fullest abilities.  Being out here, working and learning, has made me greatly realize how much time I used unwisely, when I could have done things like study the scriptures more, help others always, and strengthen my testimony and knowledge of this Gospel to share with others.  I can say that I will definitely be different when I return, with a greater appetite to do good and do as the Lord would have me do at ALL times.  I am grateful for yours and mom's love and support, and all that you have done to prepare me for this mission.  After the Sunday morning session of conference, one of the sisters in our district came up to me and asked if I would give her a blessing.  She has been having problems with her heart and she wanted a blessing that would help comfort her because she is going to the cardiologist in a few days.  It was a great experience and I felt very grateful that she said she felt that I needed to give the blessing.  Those feelings were magnified even greater when the following talks about the priesthood were given and how we receive the blessings of the priesthood as we exercise the authority given to us worthily.  Mom-I am sorry to hear that you have to work at night cleaning, on top of teaching all day, but all I can say is to make wise use of that time.  You may listen to music when you work, but instead, try to listen to a talk, or something that will inspire and uplift you.  At times when I am working or riding my bike, I try to think of a talk or something that I studied that morning to gain a better understanding of it.  This way, I don't focus as much on being tired or bored or have meaningless thoughts fill my head.  I still have trouble not thinking of songs that I liked to listen to at home, but instead I need to think of songs that have meaning to this work.  Thanks for that email you sent about the service of a mission.  I feel the same way.  Though it is hard, I would not trade the challenges and difficulties I have faced accompanied with the knowledge and testimony that I have gained for anything else.  I learn new things everyday and I grow deeper in my knowledge and testimony constantly.  Though, my communication skills are still pretty dormant, I am able to bear testimony of the truth more boldly than when I first arrived.  I love you and I hope all is going well.

Elder A. Whaley

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